Sunday, 24 July 2016

6 Key Credit Card Processing Fees Important To Know About

There’s a comparable amount of fees every credit card company asks for during credit/debit card sale, some might ask for little less but has to be paid by the customer.

Interchange fee:

This fee is charged for every single transaction that is processed through your card. This fee is paid by the payment processor to the card issuing bank. Also, the rate of the transaction depends on per transaction type (credit card or debit card) and the size of the transaction (small or large).

Monthly statement fee:

The credit card company sends you a monthly mail and so asks a small amount of $10 each month for this statement in terms of fees.

Setup and Application fees:

Depending upon the kind of the company application fees vary. Generally, it’s the set-up amount needed to pay to the company, sometimes less and sometimes more as per your requirement. If you ask for an equipment update it will relatively vary.

Minimum monthly fee:

This is the minimum amount any company charges in between the months and in any month. If you exceed this amount limit the creditcard processing company will charge you to the minimum keeping the rest in pending amount.

Monthly gateway access fees:

For providing you with a payment gateway facility, some Small Business Credit Card Processing might charge you for establishing a gateway platform.

Early termination fee:

If you take up with an early contract cancellation early termination fees will be charged. The company might hundreds to thousands of dollars for the same.

As you can see there are numerous processing fees and their rate changes as per the amount of service and the company. Visit for trustworthy credit card processing service today! 

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